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Call for proposal guidelines on PDF doc. Please follow instructions carefully. 

Call for papers: CLOSED

Call For Posters: CLOSED

Please forward all Poster proposals to by September 15, 2019

Canadian Association for the Study of Adult

Education (CASAE) East Conference

October 17-19, 2019

“Creating Learning Spaces that Encourage Inclusion and Respect Diversity”

Mount Saint Vincent University in association with the Canadian Association for the Study of Adult Education (CASAE) is pleased to announce that the 45h Atlantic Regional Adult Education Conference will be held at MSVU October 17-19, 2019.


The CASAE East 2019 Conference Planning Committee is pleased to announce that the keynote speaker for the conference will be Stephen Brookfield, John Ireland Endowed Chair of Adult Education, University of St. Thomas, Minneapolis-St. Paul.  His keynote address is titled: “What Constitutes an Inclusive Adult Learning Space? Uncovering White Supremacy and the Pedagogy of Narrative Disclosure.”


The Regional Conference provides an opportunity for professionals and researchers working in all areas of adult education to share and explore current research and issues in the field. Proposals for papers, posters, round tables and symposia are welcome.                                  


Call for Proposals CLOSED


Paper Presentations: Your paper may be based on original qualitative or quantitative research you have conducted (such as the research for a thesis or dissertation), theory development, or theorizing from the literature. 

Panel Presentations: A group of delegates present papers based on a common theme. These papers can be based on original research, theory development or theorizing from the literature. 

Round Tables: Round tables provide an opportunity to discuss research in progress, theoretical or methodological issues and/or current issues in the field of adult education. 

Symposia: A group of three or more delegates present and discuss diverse or conflicting perspectives on a topic of interest to adult education practitioners and scholars.

Call for Posters: Posters provide a unique and creative way to present your research or to explore an issue in adult education.  

· May combine text and images to provide a snapshot view of your research; 

· Can be printed or handmade posters, and/or can incorporate a variety of media; 

· Can be varied in size; 

· May be supplemented by handouts and other information. 

How to submit your Poster Proposal: 


Poster proposal should be no longer than 300 words and in Word document format ,12 point, Times New Roman font and include the following: (Please note that word counts do not include references) 

  • How the purpose of your poster presentation contributes to the theme of “Creating Learning Spaces that Encourage Inclusion and Respect Diversity”

  • Theoretical framework and relevant literature     

  • Research design (if relevant)

  • Findings and conclusions

  • Implications for adult education theory and practice.


Proposals should be submitted to by September 15, 2019. Submissions will be confirmed by email after the deadline.


Further information on the conference is available on the conference website at  or by contacting

Program committee members:

Allana Bartlett, MSVU

Amanda Benjamin, UNB

Robin Neustaeter, StFX

Adam Perry, StFX

Andras Kocsis, MSVU

Jim Sharpe, MSVU

Omolara Ogunbosi, Conference Coordinator, MSVU

© 2019 by Ali M. Ali for MSVU & CASAE

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